New Custom Art!!

Lately, Jasper has been resembling a sheepdog. It was so bad that he was using his paws as hands and creating an emo-esque combover each morning (I kid you not) so that he could see through the curtain of fur. Now, as you may know we decided to quit taking him to his groomer who, although wonderfully nice, had a sickening obsession with "doggie mustaches and eyebrows". It was hideous. I couldn't take anymore so, since we hadn't found a new groomer, we settled on a late night appointment at Petsmart last night. While dropping him off they informed us that if he wouldn't let them brush out his few matted places that he would have to be cut pretty short. Ok, we wanted a puppy cut anyway so no big deal. Until we picked him up......his hair is 1/4 of an inch long. It brought tears to my eyes. Thankfully, like my own haircuts, I like it slightly more today.
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