Friday Favorites {From last Friday}
Teething Jewelry
I am desperately coveting a new, serious camera and I think this is the front-runner of the moment.
I kissed my sweet boy goodbye today after applying my long last lipstick. Even after scrubbing, gently of course, this resulted in my little man wearing an intense shadow of passionate plum lips on his precious forehead all day and my dear husband frantically exclaiming "it's not a bruise, it's lipstick!" to everyone they encountered.
Read more...I am constantly amazed at how many times a day I am still asked this question. The people I work with are truly amazing and although we don't really have time to actually socialize, -- hello politics, thank you for entering the educational field, running teachers into the ground and inducing an all time burnout high -- they are always so friendly and supportive. Anyway, I digress. Life as a momma is better than I ever could have imagined. As crazy as it sounds, even though our lives have been turned upside down, the change is almost unnoticeable. Life with R is so natural, so fulfilling, that I can't believe I ever existed without him. He is a different baby everyday and never ceases to amaze me. So, while I'm exhausted and have to pencil in bathroom breaks, I wouldn't dare miss a minute. Life is stressful. I am torn a million different ways. Yet, I am hard-pressed to think of one thing I would change.
I'm not sure this natural air would even be possible if it weren't for how incredibly wonderful of a daddy R has. I am shocked by the number of people who ask about R like I am running the show solo. It saddens me to think of the number of women who must "do it all" while I am lucky enough to do all I want, fully supported. E and I are equal partners in this parenting gig.
Side note: Hello, my names is J and I often voice my goals with wild abandon, long before there is any hope of them being met. It has been 17 days since I claimed I was going to be an avid blogger and primo photographer. However, I've no doubt you understand my lackluster blog, as I wrangle hormonal preteens by day and tackle supermommy/wife responsibilities following the bell's toll. Sooner or later, I will be a real mommyblogger.
E and I started this blog nearly a year ago as a place to share our lives. Little did we know that before we would even become accustomed to updating it regularly (see the pathetic attempt at frequent blogging below) our lives were going to change faster than we could type. Of course, I am talking about the sweet little boy who is attempting to help me type as I speak. So, the goal of blogging was replaced with nursery paint, home improvements and all things nesting. Now that R is here our lives are so much fuller, so different, yet so improved. We now hope that this blog can serve as a place to document the little moments and big milestones we have already found to be so fleeting.
Speaking of the little moments, I also plan to spend this year striving to be a better photographer so I will be participating in "Project 365". Each day, all year, I will take at least one photo and will be posting them here throughout the week to document our lives.
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