{10 Truths}

1.  This blog started as a way to help our families stay connected to R.  However, it has reminded me how much I enjoy writing.  And, since oh, 3 people read this blog I figure it totally doesn't matter that I stay on topic.

2.   I feel restless in my career.  Should I pursue a master's, a new degree, or just keep doing what I'm doing until I can hopefully stay at home in a few years.

3.   Truth about my house -- it smells like dog way more I'd like.  We have to work really hard to keep it under control.

4.   I never, ever imagined I could love someone as much as I love R.  And even now that I know this kind of love, I can't imagine loving another child as much.  I will.  I know I will.  Love doesn't not have limits, but this kind of love, this insatiable, encompassing love is impossible to imagine outside of the person you feel it for.  It is truly non-transferable.

5.   I rarely watch super popular/ trendy TV shows during their first season.  It's kind of like I'm a super judgy cheerleading captain and need proof that a show is good enough to be renewed before I'll give it my time.

6.   I watch way too much TV.  It is a guilty pleasure only topped by my addiction to the interwebs.

7.   I've always wanted a huge family to which everyone always cattily responded "just wait until you actually have a baby.  You'll change your mind."  Umm, nope, I am even more sure now than ever that we will have as many kids as we can comfortably provide for while still giving them great opportunities.

8.   I have the best husband in the world.  I can't even list all the reasons why but you should be jealous.

9.   I love, love to read.  I try to fit it in whenever I can and read every night.  Most nights though I fall asleep after a paragraph and wouldn't change it for anything, nor am I willing to give anything up to make time to read more.   I am an English teacher.

10.  I miss college desperately, not the stuff everyone misses, like parties and friends, but the other stuff.  I miss making my own schedule.  I miss being able to turn the heat up in the dorm and never see the hell that is the energy bill.  I miss having tons of food at my beckon call freshly made for me.  I miss hiding from the world in the seclusion and warmth of the library at midnight amid the smell of old, well used books.  I miss there always being an open shower and toilet.  I miss walking to class with the brisk fall air whipping my face and seeping through my hoodie.  I miss wearing a hoodie and jeans and having a free gym membership.  Oh, and I miss when the only card I swiped was prepaid with money I didn't earn, well at least the only card I swiped on campus.


LCW May 18, 2010 at 10:54 AM  

Great post, thanks for sharing. I'm stopping by from the D-list for the par-tay! I was a teacher before I had my daughter and completed my masters degree a year before she arrived and now it's just a fancy piece of paper, but I love being home with her. Your photography is beautiful and one day when we get our nice fancy camera we'll teach ourselves too!


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